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Grants to Educators

The 2023 Grants to Educators application is OPEN!

The LPS Foundation Board of Directors is excited to award educator grants for the 2023/2024 school year. We can't wait to see how the grants will help support, educate, inspire, and prepare LPS students in their educational and life journey! 

Educator Grant Information

The grants are broken into these categories:

  • Any Individual teacher/staff can apply for up to $1,000
  • Any PLC team can apply for up to $2,500
  • An entire building to apply for up to $5,000

2023/2024 Educator Grant Questions:

  1. What is the name of your program/project?
  2. How many students will benefit from funding?
  3. What grade level(s) will be served by the funding?
  4. Select the student need associated with this request: Academic Innovation, Social-emotional, Cultural, Economic, Leadership, or Other
  5. How will this request promote student learning, leadership, critical thinking and/or innovation, and/or meet state standards and goals?
  6. Staff Professional Development or Training - How many staff members will benefit from the program? (Enter N/A if not for staff)
  7. Please list the requested materials. Include all items, quantity needed, and price for every item.
  8. What is the total amount you are requesting?
  9. Explain how this request could contribute to diversity, equity, and belonging within LPS. 
  10. How will you track and measure, both formally and summatively, student growth and mastery?
  11. What is the longevity of this funding request? Will it reach other students or a wider audience year after year? If so, explain.
  12. Have you been awarded "Grants for Teachers" funding in the past?  If so, which year(s)?  (This will not affect the status of your application.) 

The following items will not be covered or eligible for funding:

  •  Food and entertainment
  •  Teacher recertification
  •  Personal enrichment coursework (master's degree, etc.)
  •  Travel expenses
  •  Non-district supported technologies
  •  Substitute fees
  •  Field trips
  •  Programs that require sustainable funding from LPSF
  •  Capital campaigns
  •  Before or after-school programs 
  •  School or booster clubs
  •  Reimbursable expenses of any kind
  • Classroom furniture (due to Bond coverage)

The deadline to apply has been extended to Sunday, October 29, at midnight. Your principal or program director MUST approve this request prior to submission.  Requests not approved will not be considered for funding

Applications will be reviewed in November/December, and all applicants will be notified of their status before the Winter Break. Grants will be awarded at the end of January.  Please note that these dates are different from prior granting cycles. 

Questions? Contact Stef Carroll at

“I am so appreciative of the work LPSF is doing to positively impact my job as a teacher! Thank you for your constant support!”

Kevin Wood, Middle School Teacher