Mental Health and Social-Emotional Support
The health and well-being of students is as important as their academic growth and learning. We know that kids can’t learn at their highest potential if they are mentally unwell or trying to deal with adversity, stress, depression, anxiety, or any other social and emotional challenge alone.
Gifts to LPSF provide students with the necessary support to develop healthy social-emotional skills and to traverse adversity with resilience and hope. Together with our health partners and community members, we are making strides in demystifying the stigma of mental health and bringing awareness to the importance of mental wellness.
"I feel like this support saved my child's life. I was so scared that something awful would happen...she was so depressed. We could not have gotten her to the therapist she needed without your financial support and guidance. Thank you."
- LPS parent of a sophomore student
Learn more about our impact related to mental health.